Monday, February 27, 2012

How To Make Custom Pla-Plate Stencils and more.....

Its been a minute since I've done any modeling, But seems like murphy is cutting me some slack as of late...LOL.

Had 2 days off and got inspired through innovation to create my own custom stencils for pla-plate designing, so while I was being a mad doctor... I through together a Video Tutorial on the subject.
I have always wondered how in the world some modelers had the patience to measure out each shape, and then cut them out....too much work for me.

Sooooo............since there has not been any " in-depth tutorials" out in the Gundam Forums about custom pla-plate making or stencils, I will post and share what I came up with for all the new-bloods out in the Gunpla Forums.

                                          CUSTOM PLA-PLATE DESIGN

                                  The Video at My YouTube Channel & Link Below

                                         krizkreations YouTube Channel

Place's that this Tutorial will be posted or linked ....hopefully:

Gundam Eclipse

Hope many will find it useful.

1 comment:

The Angry Lurker said...

Christ that's good but way above my skill level...