Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My 1st Attempt at a heavily modified Kit 1/100 OverFlag

Normally I wouldn't post this, But with all the fabulous Bandai Competition Kit's that have just been completed.

I have had some inspiration churning inside me, and with quite a few FORUM FRIEND'S dropping great works as well I decided to step up my game a bit. I must say I'm DAMN PROUD of my small accomplishment thus far (PUN INTENDED) hahaha.

I have never attempted this kinda modification before and I will let the photo's do the talking
If you would like to see more drop by MAC FORUMS for the wip.

1 comment:

citrus said...

Oh my God, that is simply amazing. It reminds me of Eday's Ver.Ed models, except I don't think his pistons are functional from the looks of his W.I.P. pictures. The fact that you made those rods and tubes work really makes me want to try using them, too; I'm sure they'll look much better than the moulded pistons you get straight out of the box. Just don't know how many high grades would be able to sport this without massive modification.